Liminal Criminals: A Fake Crime Podcast
Liminal Criminals is a fictionalized true crime podcast detailing the bizarre, egregious, and completely fake exploits of the world's most notorious, and most nonexistent, people. It updates! Sometimes! Find us on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/LiminalCast
Liminal Criminals: A Fake Crime Podcast
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Murder. Robbery. Tax fraud. These acts, and many more, have plagued humanity since the dawn of civilization. On Liminal Criminals, we dive into crimes that would count among the strangest in history, were it not for one thing.
They never happened.
Liminal Criminals is a fictional podcast detailing bizarre crimes from a more bizarre world. Puzzle over the many deaths of the controversial mascot, Mister Breadsticks. Wonder at the rise of the Houseboat Mafia, the scourge of the Gulf of Mexico. Wince in terror at the exploits of the Eastumfordshire Dick-Kicker. These stories, and many more, await you.
Listen to Liminal Criminals, a monthly podcast by SCWR productions, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever fine podcasts are offered.
Find us on Twitter at LiminalCast, or online at liminal criminals dot buzzsprout dot com